E-Mail newsletters are the perfect choice for keeping in touch with your customers. Of course, this requires a certain regularity in the dispatch intervals.

Your newsletter subscribers can expect exciting news, valuable tips, interesting stories, insights, practical instructions or discount vouchers and competitions. Your newsletter must create added value for the customer - otherwise they will unsubscribe immediately or they will not even open your newsletter at all.


Inform yourself regularly about exciting new products and attractive offers. Create added value for your customers.


Generate more traffic on your website by making your customers curious about MORE in the newsletter.


Divide your customers according to their interests. This can be done directly in the subscription process at the registration.


Always keep an eye on the key KPIs of your newsletter, such as the number of clicks or new registrations.



Die Gewinnung von Adressen ist im E-Mail Marketing ein wichtiges Thema: Wo begegnen Ihnen die Kunden und potentiellen Kunden, um E-Mail Adressen einzusammeln? Zum Beispiel auf Ihrer Website, im Online Shop oder auf den Social Media Kanälen. Gehen Sie mit dem Thema Newsletter-Anmeldung offensiv um und animieren Sie Ihre Besucher zur Newsletter Anmeldung. Sogar große Online Shops von bekannten Marken verstecken den Newsletter-Link gerne in der Sidebar oder im Footer.


Create added value for the reader and generate valuable content. Even the subject line of the newsletter has to be catchy. Use signal words such as NEW, OFFER, ONLY FOR A SHORT PERIOD etc. to encourage the reader to open the newsletter. Attractive pictures and graphics increase the 'click-me-feeling'.


Praktisch alle Newsletter Provider bieten heute Analytics Tools an, um den Erfolg Ihres Newsletters zu messen. Prüfen Sie, ob Ihr Newsletter von den Kunden wirklich geöffnet und geklickt wird. Liegt die Öffnungsrate nur bei 0,6% und melden sich die Abonnenten nach kurzer Zeit wieder ab, stimmt etwas nicht mit den Inhalten oder der äußeren Form.


All E-Mail inboxes are now equipped with effective SPAM filters that filter incoming messages and examine them for SPAM. Nothing is more annoying than that your own newsletter ends up in the SPAM folder or is not even delivered. Choosing a reputable newsletter tool is the basis for addressing this problem. With membership in the Certified Senders Alliance (CSA) and technologies such as SPF, SSL and DKIM, this problem can be further reduced.

Avoid buying newsletter addresses or sending newsletters to recipients who have not registered for your newsletter. This is illegal and there is a risk that your domain and mail server will end up on a blacklist. Just think about how annoyed you are when you receive SPAM...


We have already launched a number of newsletters and have found that they can lead to interesting interactions with subscribers. Over time, your newsletter will become recognizable, subscribers will trust the content and may even begin to reply. This can lead to an interaction that is a good basis for a long-term customer relationship. With simple elements such as a special subject line or a personal salutation, your newsletter immediately stands out from the crowd. And even if your subscribers later only open the newsletter because of the headline, the customer has noticed your brand / logo and saved it in their subconscious: the customer can remember you and will take your online shop into account when making their next purchase decision!


Have you ever studied the statistics of your website? You will see various “spikes” in traffic and wonder what made your website get more visits in one day than others. One such reason can be the sending of a newsletter. The more interesting and relevant the content is for your customers, the stronger the effect. Because a newsletter is structured in such a way that there is only space in the email for short “teasers” on a blog post or on a new product, which refer to the full article on your website. The more subscribers find a topic interesting, the more visitors you will see on your website for the relevant topic.


And now comes the most exciting part: As soon as a subscriber clicks on a link, you can see what the customer is looking at in the newsletter and on your homepage. For example, a person comes to your website about a new product via the newsletter, but then also gets information about your product portfolio and finally gets in touch with you via the contact form. Such information enables you to evaluate the success of each newsletter and to adapt the choice of topic and your homepage to the needs of your customers.


In many cases it makes sense to segment the newsletter subscribers according to interests in order to offer the content to customers in a targeted manner. A customer who is primarily interested in newsletter marketing would not receive a newsletter from us on the subject of PHP development. In this way, the customer only receives content that is interesting for him, which in turn leads to higher opening rates of the newsletter and less disinterest in the recipient.

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